Changelog for the launch of Version 1.0.5-C

We've finally reached the end of a long journey. The english version was always a little behind, so I'm happy to announce it's officially ahead, technically, haha. The future will hold a couple possible updates, but apart from that, I will react to user input and try to fix any issues & problems in general immediately.
So what's in store for the future, even if no one had any thoughts on it? Glad you definitely asked! Here's a small list with some random versioning numbers that I've definitely all mapped out.
- 1.1.0 -> Extended New Game+ content, scaling for enemies & bosses, new patterns for existing bosses. PEP & Magic Infusion Rework.
- 1.2.0 -> Implementation of content that was cut from the official release, including new bosses!
Starting with the 1.3.0 content, a "premium" version will be available, starting at a 1$ price. It's free for anyone who's spent any amount of money on the base game, however! Content will include, but is not limited to:
- 1.3.0 -> Forbocean Lobby
- 1.4.0 -> Inner Factory Lobby
- 1.5.0 -> Cave of Eons Lobby
- 1.6.0 -> ???
- Added the final lobby of the game, the "Tower of Destiny" along with its intricate structure and several paths to choose. It's a great place for finding more Masterful Runes as well as testing your skill! It's reachable from the start once you've beaten the first area, so if you really want to challenge yourself or try for a speedrun, this might be the way to go!
- Added all of the five game endings.
- Added the option of New Game+, adding a bit of content as well as allowing you another attempt on failed achievements!
- Tutorial will be skipped automatically on new playthroughs.
- Some boss dialogue will be skipped automatically on new playthroughs.
- The guest area, if unlocked before, can still be used in a new playthrough, once the required home upgrade level has been reached.
- Added rewards for having seen all endings over multiple playthroughs on the same save file!
- Added too many achievements to list. A whole 122, to be exact!
- Added the english translation! Otherwise you wouldn't be reading this, though...
- Added NPC rotation - everytime you beat a boss, in addition to resetting the final store's item offers, you will also have a chance to meet different people at your tent! Note that you will have to pay the initial price for any NPCs to have a chance of appearing.
- Added an item to manually reset the boat's location without requiring the genie's help. It can be found in a very special shop...
- Autosaving has been implemented - it shouldn't replace your own manual saving, but might help you keep your progress if you forgot saving for a while! Be careful however - it saves when you pick up items, so it could potentially cause a softlock, as well, forcing you to return to a manual save.
- Added a new HUD! A fresh coat of paint makes it look that much more professional.
- Added a way to get a skill previously only learned via level up! After having defeated every single boss, maybe that will have left Clyde enough time to have come up with something to say?
- Added secrets to places that previously didn't have some - gotta keep people on their toes!
- Added alchemy shop for a certain person that sells new, particularly powerful potions!
- Added difficulty sliders! Decrease or Increase damage dealt & received to adjust the difficulty to your liking.
- Certain "do x y amount of times" achievements were made less tedious.
- Changed the number of available rune slots on most pieces of equipment. There's too many to list individually, but know it's been done!
- True final boss has been made significantly easier - it is still difficult enough, so no worries.
- Fixed the time stop sound playing when interacting with one of the ending requirements in the Tower of Destiny.
- Clyde no longer pays out all the gold at once without even having to look at each achievement - it was convenient, yes, but broke things in other places and allowed for particularly cheesy ways to grind gold fast.
- Most active skills will now automatically be disabled after defeating a boss.
- Lyza no longer fades in after the credits have rolled.
- All locations were available in NG+ - this was an oversight and has been fixed.
- The shard tutorial is now in the middle of the screen.
- Added jumps to the Dongamoth break room that were missing before.
- Fixed various typos and missing text instances.
- Cheyll no longer awards the speedrun achievement in a particular battle when his weakness was exploited.
- Fixed a potential softlock when two Wraiths lock you into place.
- Fixed issues with Cheyll not properly resetting on redoing a certain boss fight.
- Fixed Desert Ruin timers for the respective speedrun.
- Fixed Carinos appearing where he shouldn't.
- Combined certain common phrases in the void area to make them easier to guess.
- Missing jumps in the true final boss battle have been added.
- You can no longer talk to Ricardo when you're up on the cliffs to avoid softlocking the game by holding a rousing speech.
- You can no longer hear the end's scream when you fulfilled all true ending requirements in one of the game's boss battles.
Get The Greatest Survival
The Greatest Survival
The sequel noone asked for or wanted - but now it's an actually decent game, too!
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